Thursday Spotlight: 14 April 2022

Dear Holy Trinity Family,

I want to very much invite you to participate in the Triduum! The what? Starting tonight through Sunday night is what has been called the Triduum. We ended Lent with a beautiful Stations of the Cross service, and for the next three days, we move from Lent into Easter season!

Each time of worship and engaging God in this way is unique and powerful.

Please keep reading and I hope to see you..

In Christ,


Maundy Thursday: April 14 at 6:30 pm

Maundy Thursday has 3 key elements:

(1) We focus on the Last Supper, from which flows our sacrament of Holy Communion.

(2) We pay special attention to Jesus’ act and command to wash one another’s feet. There will be a time to wash one another’s feet, if you desire.

(3) We begin an HTAC all-night vigil meant to reflect the vigil of those disciples who were called to wait and pray with Him in the Garden.

For the vigil we prepare a now-stripped-bare sanctuary with candles and reading and meditation resources. You can sign up for a one hour slot to be present at the church and “wait.” We have a system to keep the church locked when you are here, so it is safe. And, then a system to hand off when your hour is finished.

Some folks also sign up to pray from hour from home. That is great, too!

So, please respond to this email and let Mark know if you’d like to sign up for a slot either on site or at home.

Good Friday Noon Service: April 15 from Noon to 3 pm

From 12 noon until 3.00p, symbolizing the hours that Jesus was on the cross, we participate in a rich blend of music, prayers, poetry, readings, and brief meditations on of Christ’s “last words” offered by Holy Trinity clergy, staff, and others.

The three hours goes by quickly! Also, it is a service in which you can come and go as needed – no problem. It is different from our evening services and rich.

Good Friday Evening Services: April 15 at 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm - Childcare Available at both services

These spare, yet rich, services include a mediation on the large cross that we bring into the building. Just as a note, the kids really seem to ”get” this when they come and sit and touch the cross and pray and ask questions, or sit silently.

Also, we will, as we have for many years now, celebrate this with our brothers and sisters from Cathedral Rock church! This is always a profound experience together.

Easter Sunday April 17 - Services at 8:30 am & 10:45 am

Easter Egg Hunt at 10 am

This is the biggest day of the church year!

We celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

This is a day of joyful noise, including ringing bells! While we have some jingle bells and small cowbells that we provide, you are encouraged to bring a bell of your own for this exciting day of praise.