Spring CityServe Coming Soon!
The Spring community service event will cover two dates:30 April and 7 May.
Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to have an impact on real needs in our local community. CityServe has expanded now to include a Spring event, along with the regular Fall outreach. To make it even more convenient for volunteers, COSILOVE has organized volunteer opportunities on two Saturdays: April 30 and May 7.
There are 60+ projects needing volunteer help each weekend. Sign up today! Work together with others from Holy Trinity to address a need. Gather your life group and work as a community to make an impact in our community!
The website for signing up to volunteer is here:https://volunteer.cosiloveyou.com/communityservice
This week, we are fasting from social media.
Next week, we will be fasting from all beverages, other than water. Yikes! Choose to refrain from coffee, tea, alcohol and all other beverages (other than water). Pay attention to what happens when you deny yourself something you routinely enjoy. Seek to pray when you have the desire for the thing from which you are refraining.
Holy Week Schedule
We are just over a week away from Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week. Please check out the service offerings for Holy Week: Stations of the Cross on Wednesday, the Maundy Thursday service, and three services on Good Friday. The full schedule is available on the Church website at this URL: https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/htac-weekly-updates/2022/3/25/holy-week-2022-schedule-of-services.
First Friday Service Reminder
Don't forget to join us for our special First Friday service on April 1 at 6:30 PM. Our choir, along with singers from International Anglican Church (IAC), will lead a "sung" compline prayer service, similar to the one we offered at the beginning of Advent last year.
With special music and a prayer-filled liturgy, we will set aside our Friday evening to quiet ourselves and to contemplate "the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:18)