Weekly Update: 22-27 February 2022


All Zoom links FOUND HERE.

Tuesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer via Zoom

Tuesday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom

Thursday @ 9 AM: Women's Bible Study in the Adult Classroom at the Church (all women welcome)

Friday @ 7 AM: Men's Friday Morning Breakfast and Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at the Church (all men welcome) - doing a study on the Book of Daniel

Friday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom

Sunday 8:30 - 9:45 AM: Sunday "Classic" Communion Service in the Sanctuary

Sunday 9:50 - 10:40: Adult Fellowship Hour in the Fellowship Hall with snacks and beverages

Sunday 9:55 - 10:35 AM: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4 - 10 in the Children's Classroom

Sunday 10:45 - NOON: Sunday "Modern" Communion Service PLUS BAPTISM SERVICE in the Sanctuary

Sunday 11:00 - 11:35: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4-10 in the Children's Classroom (same content as earlier class)



The big water tank will play a prominent role in the 10:45 service on Sunday; it is baptism time again at Holy Trinity!

Please come celebrate with us and with the Backus family, as Teddy Backus is baptized on Sunday! If you or your child might be interested in being baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt. We'd love to find a date for this powerful, Spirit-filled experience in your life or the life of your child.


Shrove Tuesday is next week! Could that really be??

We still need griddles, griddle masters, cookers-of-meats, makers of pancake batter and a host of other volunteers to make this event work.

Please reach out to the Church Office or to Marty Schulte and let us know how you will help with this event. You can reach Marty through the Church Office or via email at martinvschulte@gmail.com or by phone at (314) 413-6110.


Lent begins next week with Ash Wednesday, on March 2. We will have services at 7 AM and 6:30 PM for imposition of ashes. Plus we will have clergy available throughout the day on Wednesday for any drop-ins. If you would like to receive the imposition of Ashes and prayer, please stop by the Church on March 2.