Weekly Update: 25-30 October 2022

Single Service Sunday - October 30!

Please remember that this coming Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month. Thus, we will have a SINGLE SERVICE at 9:30 on Sunday morning, followed by a congregation-wide potluck brunch and fellowship gathering.

Children's Catechesis WILL happen during the single service. And we are delighted to have the Concordia Ringers, our bell choir, supporting the worship service through their presence and playing on Sunday.

If you are able, please bring a food item to share with the congregation during the Potluck Brunch that follows the service. Our potluck events are always wonderful, eclectic and delicious. Please feel free to add your own favorite breakfast/lunch dish to the mix.

Newcomers Conversation - October 30!

We are going to take advantage of the gathering time on Sunday to also have a short “Newcomers Lunch” in the Adult Classroom on Sunday morning.

If you are a visitor, new attender, or anyone who wants a chance to visit with Pastor Matt and other clergy, staff, and leaders to learn about Holy Trinity, our Newcomers Lunch is a great way to have that visit.

The Newcomers conversation is relaxed and informal.  The conversation is Q&A-driven, and we talk and answer questions to give you an opportunity to learn more about who we are and what we do here at Holy Trinity.

After everyone has gone through the food line at the Potluck, we make a call for those interested in the Newcomers Conversation to peel off and join Pastor Matt in the Adult Classroom next to the Sanctuary.

Anyone interested is invited to attend.

Prayer Project!

Please also remember that we are in week 2 of a 6-week cycle of intentional and specific prayer for particular ministries at Holy Trinity. This week, we are called and encouraged to pray for the following HTAC ministries:

Little Women’s Society - Middle and High School Girls

(led by Lara Stata, Sara Haddox, Lesli McMillan)

Please pray

  • to reach girls with encouragement in their faith and meet practical needs

  • to cover the appropriate topics to help these girls grow strong in the Lord

  • for God to bring the right women to the group and that we would effectively support their calling and mission

  • to cultivate life-giving intergenerational connections and peer friendships at all ages, at monthly meetings and everyday life

  • for Lara, Lesli and Sara: glorify God and follow the Spirit's leading in planning, preparing, teaching, and serving

High School Youth Group

(led by Pastor Matt Burnett and Kevin Brooks)

Please pray

  • our High Schoolers have a strong sense of God's personal love for each one of them

  • their time in the Bible and prayer draws them nearer to God and equips them to navigate a quickly changing world

  • school goes well and is not a source of undue stress
    their families remain health and strong

Collect for our Youth Ministries: Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have blessed us with the joy and care of children: Give us calm strength and patient wisdom so to train them, that they may love all that is true, and pure, and lovely, and of good report, following the example of their Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.