Compassion Sunday!
This coming Sunday, October 16, is Compassion Sunday at Holy Trinity. We will have a special presentation about child sponsorship opportunities with Compassion International. We will also have a display in the Fellowship Hall with brochures and handouts on the sponsorship process and information cards on children needing sponsorship through the Compassion ministries. Please check out the displays in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, and please prayerfully consider whether sponsoring a Compassion child might be something your family is being called to do.
Biblical Sexuality Workshop
How do we apply the Gospel in the area of sexuality and sexual brokenness, first for ourselves and then, as parents, for our kids, in order to foster relational and sexual health and wellness?
Holy Trinity and IAC are jointly presenting a workshop to begin to address this question. The workshop will be offered over 4 sessions on Monday evenings, October 17, October 24, November 7 and November 14 in IAC's Sanctuary. The workshop will begin at 6 PM on each of those dates. We anticipate that childcare will be available for those in attendance.
The topics to be covered include:
What are the fundamentals of Biblical sexual health, and how does the current culture depart from those fundamentals?
How has our own story of sexuality impacted how we parent in this area?
What is the Gospel vision of redemption for our sexuality, and how is healing realized in our brokenness?
What are some practical tips for talking to our kids and to one another in ways that lead to healing and wholeness?
This will be a powerful and pointedly relevant conversation. Please plan to join us.
The first session will be held on this coming Monday, October 17, at 6 PM at the IAC Sanctuary at 1305 N. Union in Colorado Springs.
Little Women Society: Saturday, October 15
Young Ladies in grades 5-12 (and their moms)
Saturday, October 15th from 3-5pm in Holy Trinity’s Fellowship Hal
Topic: Stillness Before the Lord
Activity: Handcrafting Floral Watercolor Cards with Emily McMillan
To further explore our relationship with God the Father, Emily McMillan will share her journey with art and stillness before the Lord, highlighting how this practice has brought her peace in the midst of uncertainties and chaos.
Young ladies and their moms are invited to join us in learning about watercolor art, practicing this skill yourself, and handcrafting a floral watercolor card that you can keep or share with someone God puts on your heart.
Tea will be served as well as an assortment of delicacies.
For more information, contact Lesli McMillan -
Holy Trinity's Little Women Society is a nod to the classic story in which four very unique sisters and their parents live out their strong faith and strive for virtue while learning from and leaning on each other. This discipleship group for young ladies in grades 5-12 is formative in spiritual and practical ways as we gather on the third Saturday afternoon of each month to pray, discuss a Biblical virtue, memorize Scripture, and fellowship with one another and mentor women through hands-on skills, projects, service, outreach, and more.
Newcomers Lunch and Membership Class
NEWCOMERS LUNCH: On Sunday, October 30, we will host a Newcomers Lunch following the single service. After everyone has gotten lunch at the congregation-wide potluck brunch, we will call those newcomers interested in talking with Pastor Matt to a Newcomers' conversation. If you are a visitor, new attender, or anyone who wants a chance to visit with Pastor Matt and other clergy, staff, and leaders to learn about Holy Trinity, this will be a great opportunity to learn more about HTAC. The Newcomers conversation is relaxed and informal. It is Q&A-driven, and we talk and answer questions to give you an opportunity to learn more about who we are and what we do here at Holy Trinity.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS: We will host a Membership Class on Sunday, November 27, following the second service. The class will run from 12:30 to 3:30, and we will provide lunch. If you are interested in membership at HTAC or just want to know more about the church, consider attending our Membership Class. The Membership Class reviews the theology and history of Holy Trinity and of Anglicanism in general. This is a comprehensive class on our collective and foundational beliefs, and it offers a look into what membership at HTAC is all about. Whether you are seeking membership or not, this excellent class is highly recommended for anyone wanting a deeper understanding of our church. It is also a required experience for those wanting to become members of HTAC and to qualify for voting in the annual meeting in January.