Thursday Spotlight: 26 August 2021


On September 12, we are returning to 2-service Sundays! There are a number of important pieces that need to be in place for our new schedule to work. Please give this email some attention, as many of these details will affect everyone who attends on Sunday.


  • 8:30 to 9:45 AM - "Classic" Anglican Service

  • 9:45 to 10:40 AM - Adult Fellowship Time (with food) in the Fellowship Hall

  • 9:55 to 10:35 AM - Children's Discipleship Classes

  • 10:45 AM to Noon - "Modern" Anglican Service


  • We are all going to "share the load" in the provision of food for the Adult Fellowship Time between services.

  • 5 families will be selected each week from our list of active attenders and members to bring a light, continental-style breakfast food or snack (bagels, pastries, muffins, fruit, donuts, etc.) to be shared during the fellowship hour.

  • If everyone participates, each of us will need to bring food for the fellowship hour only once every 15 weeks or so.

  • If you are selected for a particular week and can't provide food, we ask that you make arrangements to trade with someone else for that week. Please let the Church Office know if you cannot bring food.

  • The folks bringing food for Sunday will also assist with setup of the food and with cleanup afterwards.

  • All leftovers will be taken home, either by someone in the church or by the person who brought the items. We don't want leftovers in the Church refrigerator.


Many of us are involved in the Sunday services as readers, tech support, Chalice Bearers, and the like. With two services in place, we will do our best to assign your volunteer activities to the service you prefer to attend - first or second. In order to accommodate this, please email the Church Office with your preferred service, so we can put your volunteer assignments on the appropriate service.


As part of our new service schedule, we would like to re-engage our Acolyte Ministry. If you are interested in serving as an Acolyte, please reach out to the Church Office. We will provide training for anyone interested in joining the Acolyte Team.


Our intention is to offer nursery care for infants and children up to 3 years of age during both services and during the Adult Fellowship Time. In order to make that happen, we need volunteers. Each Sunday will require at least 4 workers to fully staff the nursery during the two morning shifts (8:15-10:15 and 10:15-12:15). For each month, we'll have at least 16 shifts to fill.

If you know anyone who might be interested helping in the nursery, or might be interested in filling a paid nursery position, please ask them to contact the Church Office.

As always, if you have questions, please reach out to the Church Office.