Thursday Spotlight: 4 March 2021

Special Guest Preacher on 14 March - Rev. Leslie White

Oh, do we have a special Sunday treat for Holy Trinity!

Pastor Matt has been blessed to become friends with the Pastor and Congregation at Payne Chapel AME Church in Colorado Springs. Payne Chapel has been serving the Colorado Springs community since 1872. That's 149 years! Payne Chapel was the very first Christian Community for persons of color established in Colorado Springs, when Colorado was just a territory and not a state of the Union.

The Payne Chapel website announces a mission and purpose we all share: "to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and environmental needs of all people by spreading Christ's liberating gospel through witnessing and service."

Rev. White has been the senior pastor at Payne Chapel AME since 2019, and he brings an amazing history - nearly 50 years - of pastoring, preaching and church planting that has stretched literally from coast to coast in our country. 

On Sunday, March 14, Rev. White will be our guest to deliver the sermon via Zoom at our regular 10 AM Communion service. You do not want to miss this message.

Something Special for LENT! 

A Contemplation of J.S. Bach's Masterpiece - "St. John Passion"

This year for Lent, Terri Moon will lead us in a wonderful musical experience.

We will follow the story of Jesus’ passion as told in the Gospel of John but through the music of J.S. Bach.

Did you know that Bach set the passion story to music, making the drama come alive in his famous “St. John Passion”?

Join us for two weeks at 6:30 on Sunday evening, as we take time to meditate on Christ’s sacrifice through an encounter with Bach's beautiful music.

This class will be offered on March 14 and March 21 in an online format, through Zoom. For more information about the class and for the link to the Zoom connection, check out the page on our Church website: THIS LINK.

If you have questions, please reach out to the Church Office. 

TLC Food Drive Continues

Our big food drive for ministry partner, Tri Lakes Cares is still ongoing!

We are taking donations of food items – canned goods and staples for feeding families in need – through the 5 weeks of Lent to support the food pantry at Tri Lakes Cares.

We had a good start this week, but there's still so much need to address. Please drop your donations in the big box in the Church Lobby. 

We want to encourage families to get the kids involved in this Lenten project! This is a great, real-world opportunity to talk in concrete ways about concepts like generosity, sacrifice, and responding to the needs of those who cannot help themselves.

If you have questions, please contact the Church Office.