Updated Plans for Your Holy Week
Things are changing from day to day, as we work to meet as many needs as we can during Holy Week. Here's the latest.
Make your reservations by calling or emailing the Church Office or with our online reservation form at THIS LINK.
Details on the individual services are listed below:
Palm Sunday - 28 March - 8 AM and 10 AM - Liturgy of the Palms and Communion Service - Onsite and on Zoom (Seats are available only for the early service.)
Stations of the Cross - Wednesday, 31 March - 6:30 PM - Contemplative journey with Jesus from Pilate's sentence to death and burial - Onsite and on Zoom (Reservations are not required for this service.)
Maundy Thursday - 1 April - 6:30 PM - Service to commemorate the Last Supper and Jesus' washing of the disciples' feet - Onsite and on Zoom (Reservations are not required for this service.)
Last Words of Jesus - Friday, 2 April - Noon to 3 PM - Service to contemplate the final words of Jesus spoken from the Cross - Onsite and on Zoom (Reservations are not required for this service.)
Good Friday Service - 2 April - 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM - Traditional Good Friday service, marking the death of Jesus on the Cross - A Joint Service with Cathedral Rock Church - Onsite and on Zoom (Seats are available for the second service.)
Easter Morning Service - Sunday, 4 April - 8 AM and 10 AM - Traditional Anglican Easter liturgy and worship service, marking the resurrection of our Savior - Onsite and on Zoom (Both services are now full.)
Friday Evening Communion Service
Don't forget that we have a new weekly service starting soon. Our Friday evening service will begin on April 9 and will meet weekly on Fridays through the Eastertide season.
We are recruiting volunteers to help with this new service - our regular cadre of Scripture readers, Intercessors for Prayers of the People, sound and slides techs.
If you are interested in helping with this new Friday service, please reach out to the Church Office.
New Private Group on Facebook
We are currently setting up a private group in Facebook for members of our Church community. This private group will give us a reliable platform within Facebook to pass along news and developments, and our postings here won't be captive to the regular Facebook algorithms applied to your news feeds.
We are inviting our congregation members as we run across them, but if you'd like to be a part of this private Facebook group, search for Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Colorado Springs in the groups and request to join.
We'll start posting in this group in the next week or so. If you have questions, please contact the Church Office.