Start Making Plans for Your Holy Week
Ok, we admit it: we're really excited about Holy Week for 2021, but we need you to sign up for the services you want to attend.
Make your reservations by calling or emailing the Church Office or with our online reservation form at THIS LINK.
Details on the individual services are listed below:
Palm Sunday - 28 March - 8 AM and 10 AM - Liturgy of the Palms and Communion Service - Onsite and on Zoom (Seats are available only for the early service.)
Stations of the Cross - Wednesday, 31 March - 6:30 PM - Contemplative journey with Jesus from Pilate's sentence to death and burial - Onsite and on Zoom (Reservations are not required for this service.)
Maundy Thursday - 1 April - 6:30 PM - Service to commemorate the Last Supper and Jesus' washing of the disciples' feet - Onsite and on Zoom (Reservations are not required for this service.)
Last Words of Jesus - Friday, 2 April - Noon to 3 PM - Service to contemplate the final words of Jesus spoken from the Cross - Onsite only (Reservations are not required for this service.)
Good Friday Service - 2 April - 6:30 PM - Traditional Good Friday service, marking the death of Jesus on the Cross - Onsite and on Zoom (Seats are available for this service but are limited in number.)
Easter Morning Service - Sunday, 4 April - 8 AM and 10 AM - Traditional Anglican Easter liturgy and worship service, marking the resurrection of our Savior - Onsite and on Zoom (Seats are available only for the early service.)
NOTE: We considered holding a sunrise service on Easter morning at 5:30 AM; however, there was not enough interest to support that service. Thus, we will not have a sunrise service this year.
Meeting Needs in our Community
Let's hit it out of the park on the TLC Food Drive!
We have just three more weeks to collect items for the Tri Lakes Cares food drive.
What would it look like to be staggeringly generous? Bring what you can - food items, canned goods, pantry staples - to the Church and put them in boxes in the lobby. Or on the floor, if the boxes are full. Let's stagger and stupefy the folks at Tri Lakes Cares with our giving!
On the horizon: Backpack Bash and Walk for Life
The COSILoveYou annual Backpack Bash for kids starting school is being planned, and we're intending to "go big" this year in our commitment to serve our children.
Planning is also beginning for this year's Walk for Life, which is being coordinated, in part, by our ministry partners at Life Network.
Stay tuned for more details on these outreach opportunities. If you are interested in helping with planning and coordinating, please contact the Church Office, and we'll connect you with the right people.
Friday Evening Communion Service
Don't forget that we have a new weekly service starting soon. Our Friday evening service will begin on April 9 and will meet weekly on Fridays through the Eastertide season.
We are recruiting volunteers to help with this new service - our regular cadre of Scripture readers, Intercessors for Prayers of the People, sound and slides techs.
If you are interested in helping with this new Friday service, please reach out to the Church Office.