Thursday Spotlight: 30 December 2021

Lessons & Carols - Sunday, January 2

We will have our annual Lessons & Carols service on Sunday, January 2 at 9:30 AM. This is a wonderful, worshipful service that tells the story of God's redeeming love and grace through Scripture readings and songs. Be sure to join us!

Our start time will be 9;30 AM, and the service will be broadcast on Zoom. The link to the Zoom session is available on our website at this URL:


Our next First Friday Service will be held on Friday, January 7 at 6:30 PM in the Holy Trinity Sanctuary. Pastor Chris Stroup will be teaching on "The Politics of Jesus: Why It Matters Today." Pastor Chris' offering will be timely and thought-provoking, and we encourage everyone to come and hear.

The service will be broadcast on Zoom. The link is available on the website at the URL shown above.


The super-special, always-fun, extra-delicious HOLY TRINITY CHILI COOKOFF happens on Sunday, January 9, at around noon (after the Sunday Service and the Annual Meeting). Bring a pot of your best chili recipe to be rated by our judges and ranked by an entire congregation of tasters!

If you aren't a cooker of Southwestern or Mexican or Texan or South American versions of chili but have a special recipe that includes chilies or peppers (we're imagining, for example, some of the amazing dishes from Asia that include chilies), you are invited and encouraged to bring that offering, as well. We'd love to try any and all applications of the venerable chili pepper, in all its myriad varieties, during this fellowship gathering.

If you plan to bring a dish for the cookoff, please send a quick email to the Church Office (, so we can plan accordingly for the number of expected entries and dishes.