Holy Trinity Advent Neighborhood Open House
Advent 2021 is just around the corner. It starts on Sunday, November 28.
This year, we want to launch a new Holy Trinity tradition: Hosting an Advent Open House for our neighborhood!
As we always do, our first Sunday of Advent will include the Hanging of the Greens - our annual congregational gathering to decorate the Church building and our interior spaces for the Advent and Christmas seasons.
We're planning, however, to do the Hanging of the Greens a little earlier in the day, so we can open our readied and decorated spaces to our neighbors in the Gleneagle community, the Monument community and others in the surrounding areas.
We'll have activities for the kids. Food and beverages for the adults.
What better time than Advent (and the start of a new Church Year) to reach out to our neighbors and share the hope and love of Jesus!
We will be reaching out, in particular, to the home and apartment communities that surround our property. There are so many people - just walking distance from our building - who need Jesus. Let's invite them to "Come and see."
To make this work, we truly need a whole-congregation effort:
an individual (or three) who can take point on organizing the food and beverages;
a small team to help Pastor Matt Traylor with activities for the kids;
a few folks to help Deacon Mark with distribution of flyers and other communications to get the word out; and
a small team to coordinate the Hanging of the Green activities.
Please reach out to the Church Office and let us know how and where you can support this neighborhood event.
Don't forget that we have a Newcomers Lunch immediately following the second service on Sunday. This is a great opportunity to meet the clergy and staff of Holy Trinity and get your questions answered about the Church, about Anglicanism, about our history, and whatever else is on your mind. It's a comfortable, informal setting, open to anyone who'd like to join us, whether you're new to Holy Trinity or not. Let us know, if you're coming, so we can order you a lunch.
OCC 2021
Gift shoeboxes are available in the Fellowship Hall. Collection of filled boxes begins on November 15. Please pick up a box and put together a special gift for a child in need!
Time Change
Please remember to set your clocks back an hour on Saturday night. Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend, and you'll be an hour early for the start of our Sunday services if you forget.
We love baptisms! This Sunday, Renee Traylor will be baptized during the first service. Next Sunday, Korbin Stone will be baptized during the second service. Come join the celebration!
Finally, just a little peak aT what's to come. . .
We're learning and exploring options and visions for ministry to refugees in Colorado Springs. Mark your calendar: on Sunday, December 5, during the time 'tween services, we'll have an informational meeting/presentation on Refugee Ministries and how Holy Trinity might get involved. Don't miss it!
As always, if you have questions or need additional information, please reach out to the Church Office.