Thursday Spotlight: 7 October 2021


We need some help!

Dick Battersby, our Facilities Team Leader, needs about 5 people to help him apply a coat of sealer to our new playground set on Saturday, October 23, between 9 AM and Noon. If you are available to help, please contact the Church Office at 719-505-8021 or via email at

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Second Sunday Stories - Jim Strub

There are few in our Holy Trinity family who can tell a story the way Jim Strub can. And who can keep up with his puns?!

We are blessed and delighted to have Jim as our inaugural guest for the kickoff of Second Sunday Stories between the two services on October 10. Aptly named, we will be hosting, on the second Sunday of each month, a time of story-telling by the amazing individuals we are blessed to call our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, here at Holy Trinity.

And be prepared: these aren't just any stories. No, these will be stories about the journey with Jesus our friends have experienced and about the richness of life that Jesus offers and promises through hard times and challenges, victories and discoveries.

Second Sunday Stories will be moderated by Pastor Chris Stroup, and depending on how many seats we need, we'll meet either in the Adult Classroom or in the Sanctuary on Sunday morning from about 9:55 to 10:40. Don't miss this!

If you have questions, or if you'd like to be a story-teller for a future Second Sunday Stories, please reach out to Pastor Chris.