Weekly Update: 26-31 October 2021


All Zoom links FOUND HERE.

Tuesday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from 1 Peter)

Wednesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday @ 9 AM: Women's Bible Study in the Adult Classroom at the Church (all women welcome)

Friday @ 7 AM: Men's Friday Morning Breakfast and Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at the Church (all men welcome)

Friday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from 1 Peter)

Sunday 9:30 - 10:45 AM: Sunday Morning "5th Sunday" Service. The Zoom link for the single service is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84553375682.

Sunday 9:45 - 10:25 AM: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4 - 10 in the Children's Classroom.

Sunday 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Fellowship Event: Sunday Potluck Brunch .




As Pastor Matt explained on Sunday, we are asking everyone to help us with budgeting for 2022 by submitting a pledge card for your giving in the new year.

Our goal to establish a responsible and realistic budget for 2022 depends on reliable projections of our income, and those projections are uniquely difficult this year, in the wake of the pandemic and changes within our Church family.

You can help us by submitting either an electronic pledge card at THIS LINK, or by filling out a paper pledge card (available in the Church lobby).

Please submit your pledge, whether paper or electronic, by November 15, so we can complete our work on the 2022 budget.


This coming Sunday, October 31, is the 5th Sunday in the month, and we're resurrecting our old practice of having a single service with a congregation-wide potluck brunch afterwards.

The SINGLE SERVICE will begin at 9:30 AM.

The potluck brunch will follow immediately after the service. There will be no assigned food-bringers for Sunday; instead, we invite everyone to bring something "brunchy" to share.

Contrary to our previous notice regarding this coming Sunday, there WILL be Children's Catechesis/Discipleship during the single service.

If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office.



Our second monthly FIRST FRIDAY service is just around the corner. We'll be meeting on Friday, November 5 at 6 PM in the Sanctuary for a special evening of prayer and worship.

This evening service will include some wonderful praise songs and extended times of prayer, all wrapped in an Evening Prayer liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer. Please join us!



Our first two Sundays in November will be specially blessed with baptisms!

On Sunday, November 7, we will baptize Renee Traylor during the early service, and on Sunday, November 14, we will baptize Korbin Stone during the second service.

These are powerful, wonderful events, not only in the lives of these youngsters and their families, but in the life of the Church family, as we witness and covenant to support these little ones in their life in Christ.