Visual Art
This carousel shows a variety of art works that have been submitted for enjoyment and contemplation during the Advent season.
"Tidings of Light to the Dregs of the Dark Kingdom” by Jaimie Krycho
At last, light!
It takes a particular desperation to cry out for rescue into the ferocious emptiness of a featureless ocean.
It takes a truly prodigal love to answer that cry —both in the fullness of time and from outside time itself.
Light for Life
by Shini Abraham
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:15
An intimate, passionate, growing relationship with God means our eyes are opened to see light in all the details that surround our lives, especially in spaces where there is darkness. We sense his presence in the midst of broken world realities. We see his enduring goodness. We receive his grace. Lord, where there is darkness, let me see your light!